She's alive!!!
I really haven't been in a blogging mood lately, but today I'm thinking I should, so I better jump on it while I can! We've been so busy, but I'm not sure what to write about. It's the everday stuff that fills all of your time, but seems so boring to say. But I will say this: Dustin's done with finals! Yippee!
Dustin's mom gave him a copy of this book for his birthday:

We fell in love with this book and couldn't put it down. We bought the sequel and thought it was even better than the first. The author is a potter himself and owns a pottery shop in back of his house in Salt Lake. Neither of us had work on Thursday so we made an appointment with the author to come and look at his work. It/He was AMAZING. He's only 36 and is one of the happiest people I have ever met. We chatted and talked for about 30 mins or so about the book and life and then he gave us a discount on some pieces. It was cool when he asked our advice for the third and final book. He's hoping to get it out next summer, so I really hope it happens.
Dustin and I learned so much from this book and can't stop raving about it. Here's a short synopsis:
Jake just graduated from college with a degree in ceramics. Everyone is telling him to get a "real" job, but his heart truly lies with pottery. He becomes the village potter in Niederbipp, PA (which is an actual place) and learns more about the previous potter, Isaac, who was well-loved and just an amazing man who helped anyone he could. The book is supposed to be Jake's sketchbook, so throughout the pages you find drawings and occassional splatters from the glaze. It's visually appealing and fun to read.
It's really one of those books that makes you reflect on life, if you let it.
Other than that, it's been same ol', same ol'. Well, and getting ready for Christmas I guess :) Hope this hasn't been too boring, but I needed to write about something and we STILL haven't gotten a camera. Boo.