Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's an interesting thing being a mom.  Some days everything seems to be perfect.  The girls get along, Kate's listening, we have fun reading books, playing games, and spend time outside.  Then some most days there's crying, hitting, time-outs, whining, etc.  It seems like no matter what I do, the day just can't get better.

At least that's what I tell myself.  The other day I was in the shower and Ada was outside the door, knocking and crying.  Kate was being crazy, jumping on the bed and yelling.  Usually I would have been frustrated and long for the days when showering didn't tempt me to call for a babysitter.  Anyway, this time I couldn't stop smiling.  I wouldn't trade those noises for anything in the world.  I feel so blessed to have my family and I wouldn't want my life to be any other way!  So I guess I'm saying my attitude has a HUGE thing to do with how I get through each day.  I can be upset and uptight, or be grateful and happy to spend these precious years with my girls.

Kate at her dance recital, holding the flowers from Dustin's mom.  She did so well!!
Enjoying the sucker that was in the bouquet of flowers.

Love this little girl!

We got our bird back and named him Jasper!

Jasper's pretty fast, so I ended up with a rear shot...
I've been wanting to change things up in our living room.  We had a bright green desk for our tv and decided it was time to retire it.  I wanted a vintage dresser instead, and we found this beauty on KSL. 
I'm totally in love with Annie Sloan chalk paint.  No sanding or priming??  Count me in!  We did 2 coats of paint on this puppy and barely used any paint.  It's seriously the miracle paint.

Dustin and I had a great time working on this together.  We are so happy with how it turned out!!

Looks even better in our living room, next to our corner cabinet (also painted with chalk paint).  I love how these colors brighten things up in our 70's apt!


Brennan and Rachel said...

I love the dresser/tv stand! Painting the dresser in our room has been on our to-do list for ages. Good job guys!

Bethany said...

That is super cute Kim! Do you want to paint something in my house for me? :)