Friday, February 24, 2012

Here are a couple of shots of my very fashionable girls. Kate saw Ada with the bowl on her head and wanted a turn. You can imagine how many times our bowls get washed...

The other night, Ada was eating a pancake and decided she didn't want it anymore. She usually drops food on the floor, but decided to be a little more artistic this time and decorated Dustin's shirt with it. The best part was that Dustin had no idea and was walking around with it on his shirt :)

Kate just recently rediscovered the Magna Doodle. She couldn't care less about it, but a few days ago fell in love with it again. This happens a lot with her toys. Fine with me! Less to buy! Ada got a hold of the magnets and wouldn't let go. I told Kate to get some magnets from the fridge. She thought I was pretty cool (this doesn't happen too often) and now loves to play with the magnets on her Magna Doodle.

On Wednesday the girls and I went to the gym. When we got in the car after we were finished, Kate was complaining about how hot it was. I checked the temperature in the car and noticed it was 50 degrees. No wonder we were so hot! I was giddy to see a number that high! Ok, that's really sad that we get excited about 50 degrees. But hey, we'll take what we can get! It really was a beautiful, sunny day. We got to play outside and both the girls loved it.
Ada's favorite thing to do was to go up and down the stairs. Kate was busy coloring pictures. She loves giving pictures to Shelly, the apartment complex manager, and is now known as Artist of the Year.

So I was on Pinterest this morning and found a fun experiment to do with Kate. It's really simple, so that worked out great for me! We put an egg in a glass and then added enough white vinegar to cover the egg. In 3-4 days that egg shell will disappear and the yolk will be left. I thought it would be fun for Kate to observe each day and see how the vinegar eats away the shell. Kate was pretty excited.

Yesterday we did Preschool with Hannah, a girl in our complex. The girls love to color and cut the paper into really small pieces (which is always a joy to clean up!).
I was sitting with Ada in the family room and the girls kept bringing me "presents," or folded up pieces of paper. This picture doesn't show all of them, and Kate even drew a picture for me on the Magna Doodle. It was so cute to see them so excited!
It seems like we're always losing stuff around here, and the other day it was our Blu-ray player remote. I was looking everywhere and couldn't find it. I felt like I should look in the trash can. Um, gross, but I thought I should do it anyway. I took a few things out and discovered some missing items (not that I knew they were missing). I found two baby dolls, a puzzle book, a ball, and some magnets. I promptly disinfected everything. I'm so glad I checked in the trash! Apparently while I was at mutual, Dustin had fallen asleep on the couch. Ada loves the trash can. Need I say more?

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